Add Your Practice to Our Therapist Directory
A convenient, comprehensive way to list your practice so clients can find you.
Licensed therapists,counselors, and psychologists like you shine when you’re helping clients; not when you’re spending the bulk of your time promoting your services. When you join Therapy Directory Online, you can focus on your passion for mental wellness because we’ll handle networking and marketing for you.
We work with thousands of professionals throughout the U.S that are looking to connect people with therapists. Therapy Directory Online is the preferred source for client’s looking for therapists.
To get connected with other mental health professionals for networking, and resources Join our private facebook group
Your free profile includes:
INDIVIDUAL PROFILES ONLY** You must upload individual profile photo (No group practices) or your profile will not be published.
- A desktop friendly and mobile optimized professional profile with the option to add photos, videos, and your company info to our therapist directory.
- Links to social media profiles and your website to boost visibility.
- A badge for your website to generate more visitors, and analytics to track clicks to your site.
- Access to our members-only email referral list.
- An opportunity to post articles for our blog.
*Cancel at anytime.
How joining makes a difference.
As a Therapy Directory Online member, you’ll help make a positive impact on mental health outcomes. We work to dispel mental illness stigma, and promote mental health and wellness
Join Today
Complete the short form below to get started. After joining, you’ll have the opportunity to complete your Therapy Directory Online profile. Have questions? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help. We’re eager to welcome you to our network!